Ward 1 Newsletter (07/14/23): Flood damage in city
This week's unusual July flooding by both the Mill and Connecticut rivers destroyed farmers' crops, closed roads, and left several recreation areas, including Musante Beach, unusable in Northampton. There was no significant damage to roads and bridges in the city, Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra told the City Council on Thursday. While [...]
Ward 1 Newsletter (06/24/23): Pay raises approved
The City Council on June 15 unanimously approved five ordinances that increase the mayor's salary and the stipends paid to city councilors, School Committee members and the elected trustees of Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School and establish an annual 2 percent cost-of-living adjustment for those officials beginning in fiscal [...]
Ward 1 Newsletter (06/07/23): Municipal budget approved
The City Council on Thursday approved with no changes the $132,312,990 budget proposed by Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra for the fiscal year beginning July 1. That is $602,528, or 4.77 percent, higher than the city's current budget for the year ending June 30. At-large Councilor Jamila Gore and Ward 7 Councilor [...]
Ward 1 Newsletter (05/20/23): Budget hearings scheduled
The City Council's Committee on Finance, of which I am a member, will hold hearings at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 23, and Wednesday, May 24, on the $132,312,990 budget proposed by Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra for the fiscal year beginning July 1. That is $602,528, or 4.77 percent, higher than the [...]
Ward 1 Newsletter (05/08/23): Pride Day returns
Pride Day in Northampton, May 6, 2023 I was thrilled to join Congressman James McGovern, state Sen. Jo Comerford of Northampton, Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra and seven of my colleagues on the City Council as Pride Day activities returned Saturday after a hiatus during the pandemic. We paraded from [...]
Ward 1 Newsletter (05/01/23): Candidate for Reelection
Today, I am formally announcing my candidacy for reelection to the Ward 1 City Council seat. During the past 16 months, my colleagues on the City Council and I took action on critical issues, including the housing crisis, climate emergency, diversifying participation in municipal government, relief for renters, zoning reforms, [...]