The Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on the city’s proposed redevelopment of 196 Cooke Ave. during its virtual meeting at 5:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 28.

Here is a link to the agenda:

Here is the Zoom link to join the meeting:

The proposed parking lot, affordable homes and related stormwater improvements at 196 Cooke Ave. are within a wetlands buffer zone, which requires a hearing by the Conservation Commission. It will begin no earlier than 5:45 p.m. Thursday.

The former Moose Lodge on the site was demolished last year and the city owns the property, which it plans to use for affordable housing and parking near an access trail to the Broad Brook Greenway.

The Planning Board unanimously approved the project Aug. 24 with the provision that wiring be installed in the parking lot for at least one electric vehicle charging station.

The proposal calls for the existing parking lot on the eastern side of the property to be paved and reconfigured with 21 spaces, including two that are handicap accessible. There also would be a rack for bicycles.

The city proposes to sell a portion of the western side of the property to Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity for four single-family homes owned by first-time home buyers. The houses would have their own parking spaces and be screened from the conservation area parking by trees and fencing.

The project would be done in two phases, with the first involving the city issuing requests for proposals and awarding a contract for work on the parking lot later this year, with construction likely next spring.

After the parking lot work is completed, Habitat for Humanity could commence construction of the homes and they would be completed on its timetable.

Documents related to the project are available at:

Cooke Avenue and Hatfield Street intersection

Several recent accidents at the intersection of Cooke Avenue and Hatfield Street have led to a study to improve safety conditions, Director of Public Works Donna LaScaleia announced last week.

It is one of six intersections that the city has asked its consultant, Fuss & O’Neill engineering firm of Springfield, to study and recommend traffic control measures for safety improvements. It will likely be several months before those recommendations are available for consideration by city officials.

League of Women Voters book sale

The Northampton Area League of Women Voters will hold its 73rd annual book sale from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 30, at Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School, 80 Locust St. There will be an early bird special entry between 8 and 9 a.m.

New this year is a collection of books that have been banned or challenged in school departments and libraries in Massachusetts and elsewhere in the country.

The sale of hardcover and paperback books is a fundraiser for educational and advocacy programs sponsored by the local League of Women Voters, which was founded in 1922.

Vintage bicycle Tweed Ride

Historic Northampton and Friends of Northampton Trails will sponsor a Tweed Ride from 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Sept. 30. Rain date is Sunday, Oct. 1.

Participants are invited to “dust off your vintage threads and bring your trusty old bike for a family-friendly pedal of approximately 4 miles along Northampton’s bike paths.”

The event is a fundraiser for Historic Northampton and people may register here:

There is a sliding fee scale from $15 to $25 and participation is limited to 40.

The ride will begin at Sheldon Field, Bridge Street and Old Ferry Road, and end at Historic Northampton, 46 Bridge St., for refreshments in the newly restored Shepherd Barn.

Ward 1 picnic

Residents near the Agnes Fox Playground at State and Church streets will host a picnic there from 4 to 7 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 30. Rain date is Sunday, Oct. 1.

The annual gathering is an opportunity to meet neighbors, play games and enjoy a variety of food. Neighbors are asked to bring a chair, plate, utensils, a drink and something to grill and/or a dish to share (appetizer, salad or dessert).

I look forward to chatting with picnickers, and other candidates on the Nov. 7 ballot also have been invited.
