Stan Moulton

Ward 1 City Councilor

Northampton, MA

1504, 2023

Ward 1 Newsletter (04/15/23): Water and sewer rates increase

The City Council voted unanimously Thursday to raise water and sewer rates for the fiscal year beginning July 1. The increased rates (the first since fiscal year 2020) result from the expected departure of the Coca-Cola bottling plant from the Northampton Industrial Park, likely by the end of this year. [...]

304, 2023

Ward 1 Newsletter (04/03/23): Commission to Investigate Racialized Harms

The City Council on Thursday discussed a plan to appoint, with the mayor's office, a joint special Commission to Investigate Racialized Harms Perpetrated Against Black Residents and Workers in Northampton. The commission will be composed of between nine and 11 people - with at least 50 percent Black members - [...]

2703, 2023

Ward 1 Newsletter (03/27/23): New parking regulations

The city on Monday, March 27, began fully enforcing new parking regulations that increase the rates for spaces closest to Main Street and eliminate time limits on most metered parking. The hours of enforcement are now 10 a.m. to 5, 7 or 8 p.m., depending on where you park Mondays [...]

403, 2023

Ward 1 Newsletter (03/04/23): COVID-19 Remembrance Day

The City Council on Thursday unanimously approved a resolution recognizing the first Monday of each March as COVID-19 Remembrance Day, " in recognition of those who died as a result of the pandemic and the suffering of those who survived but carry the long-term impacts of this virus." I co-sponsored [...]

2002, 2023

Ward 1 Newsletter (02/18/23): Reparations Commission approved

The City Council on Thursday unanimously approved a resolution calling for a commission "to study racialized harms perpetrated against Black residents, workers, and students in Northampton, historically and currently." The resolution is sponsored by Garrick Perry (Ward 4) and at-large councilors Jamila Gore and Marissa Elkins. The resolution states "that [...]

1702, 2023

Mayor announces ARPA community recovery grants

Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra during Thursday's City Council meeting announced the 61 projects that received grants totaling $4 million from the American Rescue Plan Act money designated by the city for community recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. These projects will support recovery, build resilience and reconnect the community. I was one [...]

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